Andy2angry123 led rs-overboss_vurkrin to me to harass me. Again.

I assume andy2angry123 is angry because I recorded him earlier, so what he has decided to do is prove he’s not a creepy adult who has creepy stalker racist children stalking me by bringing creepy stalker children to stalk me – what in the fuck, andy2angry123 – this is the one who lets his daughter listen to his game while he leads racist child warriors – You can’t make this shit up, folks. Still.

Today I let rs-overboss_vurkrin speak – here’s what he had to say – but – do note – oh my, there’s andy2angry123 – an adult who should know better, with children – again – harassing people.

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Please consider sharing if it creeps you that yet again, an adult is hanging around with children and harassing people – like andy2angry123 obviously is – from the multiple videos now.