(re-print from reddit – reddit was and is the source of a lot of stalkers and griefers, some really messed up people, who made fake accounts about me and spread lies. I’m not sending people to reddit, it is too toxic. sources at the bottom)
Updated to add:
Sample Video of Mischief Night Event with the Clown
2019-10-30 11-00-41 – Mischief Night in the Morning
Super sorry I accidently killed that legendary before noticing! A bit of lag too… damn I need a better computer.
Clowns (Heroes): Sunnie, darthrambo, xor117, Sinicalass (SinSeer)
Others: Pezjunkie, relliklaerec, chrisschiano, Astro495, HuntressLi, Bethie, Biermann2000, smokeweaver, llave, Gilese, pstealth, iMassacre,

What counts as costumes for Mischief Night
Okay, you know what, I wasn’t sure either what counted. So I went into the files. Here’s a list of everything that has the costume flag that seems to be required by this quest.
Please do keep in mind – this is a direct dump of the data files. Some of these things probably don’t exist – some may never exist. This is just the things listed with the flag.
Full list of Mischief Night rewards, odds of obtaining, and conditions

You will get 4 top-level rewards for just completing the event with all objectives met. If you are wearing a costume during the event, you get a 5th reward. Those are the only event conditions.
1 Pumpkin Grenade
One of the following (Aid Rewards):
Super Stimpack
Rad Away
Rad X
One of the following (‘Good’ Rewards):
Civil War Era Dress
Civil War Era Suit
Civil War Era Top Hat
Tattered Mole Head
5 Pumpkin Grenades
Clown Hat
Clown Outfit
Pastor’s Vestments
Clean Spacesuit Helmet
Fireman Uniform (new)
Fireman Helmet
Halloween Costume Witch
Halloween Costume Witch Hat
Ranger Outfit Clean
Ranger Hat Clean
Halloween Costume Skeleton
Halloween Costume Skull
Golf Skirt
Golf Outfit
Whitespring Jumpsuit (previously only obtainable from Savage Divide quests and events)
Plan: Sickle
Plan: Scarecrows
Plan: Meat Hook
Plan: Cultist Blade
Plan: Cultist Dagger
One of the following (Whitespring Rewards):
Golf Ball
Golf Tee
Cigar Box
Pre-War Money
Golf Club
Walking Cane
White Ornamental Vase
Chinese Ornamental Vase
Ornamental Vase
Plan: Gilded Wall Clock
Plan: Resort Sign
Plan: Resort Lamps
One item out of any the following groups (Rare Rewards) (if you completed the event wearing a costume):
– Pumpkins (80% chance of one of these)
Plan: Classic Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Vault-Tec Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Vault Boy Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Vault Door Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Surprised Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Alien Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Mobster Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Happy Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Practice Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Evil Jack O’Lantern
Plan: Full Pumpkin Rack
Plan: Pumpkin Rack
Plan: Half Empty Pumpkin Rack
Plan: Half Full Pumpkin Rack
– Plan: Grim Reaper Vault-Boy Cutout (10% chance)
– Rare Costumes (10% chance of one of these)
Jack O’Lantern Short Suit
Jack O’Lantern Pant Suit
Pirate Costume
Pirate Costume Hat
Unless otherwise noted, the odds of these are all equal. So you have a 1/25 chance of getting a particular item off the ‘Good’ list. And it boils down to a 2.5% chance to get each of the 4 new rare costumes (10% overall chance to get any of them).
Mischief Night Prize Pictures