jys-tampon.31643 – complete moron kiwifarms user

I’m sorry, you’re just a complete and utter moron. The original conversation was because someone posted on the global news sites tweet, and thats why they’re being tagged there. I simply posted their name AGAIN to remind them that I’d be pleased to talk to them about you, or people like you, jys-tampon.31643, the hate-filled users of kiwifarms who make it their goal in life to harass people off the internet. In particular with regards to my particular case – which is that a bunch of right-wing freaks have posted my personal, private information and put my brothers safety at risk with their lies and insanity – because kiwifarms doxxes people – like keffals, who ended up being swatted because of you freaks.

I’d still be pleased to talk to globalnews about the specific harassment I have faced from both youtubers and then later, the kiwifarms hatefarm. I have a lot of personal experience and recorded a lot of info of my own – since it was so personally important to me – you people putting my brothers safety at risk, and all.

Look it up, you hateful transphobic moron! I was responding to a shill account trying to spread KIWIFARMS harassment. It’s all you people do – harass people.