bydyonchord.126011 – transphobic kiwifarms bigot

Samples of transphobic hatred from kiwifarms user bydyonchord.126011 – looks like before he started with me, he started with keffals – of course. Here’s bydyonchord.126011 from kiwifarms, the right-wing doxxing site dedicated to stalking people, harassing them and swatting them to try to murder them by cop.

Standard right-wing and kiwifarms ‘party line’ – accuse everyone of grooming, use fake evidence, anything they can do – anything to hurt or murder transgender people.

Gets off on harassment:

And his most recent posts trying to stalk and harass me with the rest of the swatters from kiwifarms:

Oh boo hoo, the transphobic bigot from the right-wing doxing and swatting site known as kiwifarms doesn’t like what game I played, boo hoo, that’s totally worth harassing someone for the rest of their life, right? I’ve heard that same pathetic phrase before, I somehow deserve harassment because I spent time in a video game.

You people are hate-filled garbage and that web site should be shut down, and charges should be laid against people doxing and swatting others. It’s absolutely filled with transphobic bigots who are working to get transgender people killed –  bydyonchord.126011 is just the latest example in a long line of hate-filled, toxic, entitled little bully bigots.