Jacob Doolittle-Sightler – Nekrosias from Kiwifarms – Inciting Neo Nazis to False Report

Here’s Nekrosias – aka Jakob Doolittle-Sightler attempting to ask the transphobic neo-nazis at the kiwifarms hate and harassment site to falsely mass-report my websites. First off, you can’t ‘dox the dead’. Posting the name or public memorial of a dead person isn’t doxing.

Secondly, I never doxed any children, do you have any sources? I’ve never doxed anyone.

Last I heard you were trying to claim that an ip address from a weblog was doxing, are you still claiming that? Because it’s NOT. It’s public information that you display to the world, and there’s sites that store and post them publicly even, it’s so weird, almost like everyone on the internet needed to have an address, but to decode who they are, you need to get law enforcement to force the internet provider to give up the details. It’s also almost like people could use a VPN to hide even that, but are sometimes too stupid, or arrogant to do so, and it’s almost like people use weblogs to track connections to the websites they log.

So dumbass Fallout 76 players who post their names publicly want to claim I am ‘doxing’ people because they posted on my Facebook Business page? Maybe don’t post on it with your real names then?

You and your friends – specifically the ones in the discord you ran – are the ones who doxed ME. You spread information that can be used to track down and hurt my family, and you’ve been working on a 3 year harassment campaign, trying to convince people I’m racist, I’m a pedo, I’m a doxer, I’m all sorts of things – that’s because you and your friends impersonated me, both inside the game and out, Jakob Doolittle-Sightler. You spread my personal information including my home address, and you started a campaign of lies to put my family and my life in danger. The 14 year old kid was a member of your sick pedo discord – he impersonated me in particular. Did you orchestrate the whole thing, since you were the leader of that nazi-pedo chatroom?

I don’t WANT to be in anyone’s drama – it just turns out that kiwifarms is also responsible for doxing and swatting another transgender person, from my country, really recently – it made the national news – and you guys do it a lot, so I get worried about you, so I had to make some web pages and other things to document your harassment of me more, since you’re all so dangerous as a terrorist organization like that.

But why try to report me Jakob Doolittle-Sightler – I’m simply posting public information, in fact I can give the public link to each and every kiwifarms post  you made, and your voice in some videos  – you’re trying to incite the racist bigots at kiwifarms to mass-report me, as well as offering my ‘dossier’ of doxed personal information inside Fallout 76 – I have your voice offering it to random people in the game.

Because you are a bully, and a doxer, and that is the only response you have when someone points it out. You want to lie, and get your supporters to lie for you. I get it. Bully.

Jakob Doolittle-Sightler posted publicly on my business webpages with his real name to mock and harass me – he has no expectation of privacy after I also recorded him spreading my personal information inside Fallout 76 to the players there. He has also publicly posted on the kiwifarms hate site.

Again – public information – and besides, web pages are a dime a dozen, you guys at kiwifarms have made it pretty clear I don’t want to do anything on the internet with psychotic doxing stalkers out there trying to get transgender people swatted, so I’m doing other things with a new name, I really like it. People smile at me, and say hi.  There’s like, trees and a beach involved sometimes. It’s great.

Everything I do from now on with this identity will be about the kiwifarms Fallout 76 users, and other people who have been spreading my PRIVATE information in order to get me swatted, or harassed for the rest of  my life. You WANT me to die, by posting all those lies about me, and spreading my home address.

Congrats, you killed the clown! Too bad you can’t do it in real life I guess, like you want. I did contact the police, they have your name, Jakob Doolittle-Sightler – heck if any problems come from kiwifarms, they already have YOU and  your wife in particular to start with, regardless of ANYTHING else. Better hope no one else tries to hurt my family – that parts on the police record now. Your names are the first the police got, anyone investigating a kiwifarms-led murder-by-cop swatting, or any other real life harassment will be looking at you two first, since you in particular Jakob Doolittle-Sightler, have been doing this for way longer than that kiwifarms post has been up! Heck, maybe you even provided some of the information – I dunno! Jakob Doolittle-Sightler is a ringleader or doxing, stalking, and harassment and obviously a large source of my problems in the last few years, though. I’m giving the police more info today, this whole kiwifarms swatting thing making the national news demands more info go to law enforcement.