Life of SinSeer – S01E93 – A Bad Day with Bears around Dolly Sods

Dec 4, 2018

I was issued an Enclave Combat Commendation!

Discovered Dolly Sods Wilderness

One Clown Death to bear!

Climbed the Tower to survey the area, love doing that, and also well, to craft some good stuff.

Discovered Dolly Sods Campground

Discovered Carson Family Bunker

Discovered Crashed Plane

Discovered Treehouse Village

“What the fuck? Okay someone went a little apeshit crazy with the bicycles.”
“Fucking bear ripped me a new one”
“There is a pissed off bear, just sitting on the other side of this wall going ‘God Damn these humans and their walls, I hate them all'”
“Oh they look like they don’t like me”

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