Monthly Archives: December 2019

Life of SinSeer – S02E26 – An Average Day at the Happy House Becomes a Cow Problem

Dec 30, 2018

Sorry, still working through the accidently offset video – we’ll get back to the better quality stuff soon, I promise, but still, some stuff happened, and I wanted to get it online for myself!

Tried to drop soup for Sapphiragurl88, but they did not want it!

Bit of a problem when I got home though… One Clown Death due to Army of EVIL. Apparently.

Seen DREAMTHIEF – Who probably destroyed that scorched beast, I just got a lucky hit in at the end.

Then it was time to head off to another server, and meet up with some Reddit Fallout Network Discord people!

“Take the food, it’s not poison, I swear!”

Seen: Sapphiragurl88, IX1805, playralloy, two Geralds (???)

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Life of SinSeer – S02E25 – Giving Soup to Newbies Since December 2018

Dec 29. 2018

Just a regular day for me, trying to give out some goodies to newbies, we started dropping our plans that day, too. Did a little building around the Happy House of Joy afterwards!

Had to play with photomode to take pics of me and Gerald.

Then I noticed the Happy House of Joy had been DEFACED!

I did like the saying, and how it trailed off like that, added a nice touch to it.

Seen: playralloy – being all sneaky like, for some reason…

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Me – 99 Percent Mistakes, One Percent Viable Mutation – Neophilus vs Neophobus


The human race is not divided into the irrational and the rational, as some idealists think. All humans are irrational, but there are two different kinds of irrationality – those who love old ideas and hate and fear new ones, and those who despise old ideas and joyfully embrace new ones. Homo neophobus and homo neophilus. Neophobus is the original human stock, the stock that hardly changed at all for the first four million years of human history. Neophilus is the creative mutation that has been popping up at regular intervals during the past million years, giving the race little forward pushes, the kind you give a wheel to make it spin faster and faster. Neophilus makes a lot of mistakes, but he or she moves. They live life the way it should be lived, ninety-nine percent mistakes and one percent viable mutations.

  • Robert Anton Wilson (1932-2017)