SinSeer Discovers Clown Hell… and DIES! #fallout76 Custom World – Survival Settings

For anyone in our community, I now have two custom worlds set up, if you are Fallout 1st you can use them even if I’m not online, and if you’re not, well, I’m online a LOT!

Clown Hell is set up for a survival mode, no fast travel and set to more difficult levels!

Clown Builders is set up with relaxed build locations, relaxed build rules, no costs for building or crafting, and infinite ammo!

I’ll be keeping these two, so if you start a new character or clone a copy of yourself over there, the progress there will be recorded!

I may make small changes to the config, depending on how it goes, but if you’re on my friends list, feel free to use my custom worlds any time you’d like!

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Love, Always,