Category Archives: Official News From Beth

Twitch Prime is back with another Loot bundle for Fallout 76 players! (Re-Print From Bethesda)

From now through the end of March, you’ll get a host of free in-game bonuses just for being a member of Twitch Prime. Bonuses include:
  • Raider Branding Iron Weapon Skin for the Fire Axe
  • Nuka-Cherry Armor Paint for Combat Armor
  • Nuka-Cherry Armor Paint for Leather Armor
  • Nuka-Cherry Armor Paint for Metal Armor
  • Photomode Tree Pose
Claiming your Fallout 76 Twitch Prime Winter Bundle is simple. Just link your account to your Twitch account here and claim your exclusive gear from Twitch. Your Prime Loot will be waiting for you the next time you login to Fallout 76.
Fallout76 TwitchWinter BrandingIron
Fallout76 TwitchWinter CombatArmor
Fallout76 TwitchWinter LeatherArmor
Fallout76 TwitchWinter MetalArmor
Fallout76 TwitchWinter TreePose


Thanks for joining us for another Inside the Vault! We’re gearing up to share a special Wastelanders announcement with you next week. In the meantime, we’ve also got a rundown on the faction reputation system for you, and you can read on to catch those details.


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If you’ve been keeping up with Fallout 76 news, you probably know that we’ve been hard at work on our upcoming Wastelanders update. We’ve been regularly highlighting some of the new content coming to game, sharing new screenshots with you, and recently opened a private test server so that players outside our studio can join us in play testing (with more invites on the way soon!)

However, we would like to give you another peek at what’s to come in Wastelanders beyond a few new screenshots and words on a page. We’ve put together a new official trailer that we’re excited to unveil next Tuesday, February 4. Keep an eye on that day for full details, and we hope to see you then!


Last week, we introduced you to the Settlers and the Raiders, the two major factions who are on their way to Appalachia with our upcoming Wastelanders update. This time, we’re sharing some details about a new reputation system that will help you move from a total stranger to a close confidant with each faction and earn a few rewards along the way.

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When you first meet the Settlers and Raiders, they will be hesitant to include you, a newcomer, in their affairs. The more you do to help a faction by offering information, taking down their enemies, and completing quests, the more you will prove you’re someone they can rely on and your reputation with that faction will increase. Eventually, you will rise through seven different reputation “ranks”, from Hostile or Cautious, to Neutral, Friendly, and Ally, among others.

Whenever you gain reputation with a faction, you will receive a notification that shows how much reputation you earned. The amount of reputation you earn also depends on what you did to earn it. Completing a story quest, for example, will net you a large amount of reputation, while finishing a faction daily quest or making certain choices during conversations offer additional ways to gain some rep.

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You will be able to view your current standing with both factions at any time by opening the social menu. An icon for each faction indicating your current reputation rank will appear at the top of the social menu near your account name. You can click this to open a reputation pop-up that shows your rank and your progress towards the next.

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As your reputation ranks with the Raiders and Settlers increase, people at Crater and Foundation will treat you with more warmth during your interactions, and that faction’s vendors will sell you a wider range of goods. By completing story content, you will also gain access to new vendors that sell plans for a few new faction-themed items which will unlock at certain ranks, like neighborly, friendly, or ally.

76 WST ReputationDetails

We hope you’ve enjoyed learning a bit more about the reputation system that’s on its way to the game, and we’re excited to share our Wastelanders trailer with you on February 4.
