Frogow and blinkkd – recorded being nazi homophobes

Please do keep in mind – there is some concern that these children have been poisoned and influenced by SinisterHand. So we can’t hate them TOO much.

frogow, fallout567, blinkkd, rs-overboss-vurkrin, thegeminaii – all part of this little child-warrior squad. Looks like only blinkkd was stupid enough to paint a swastika on the ground with a dev room item though – hopefully Beth will do something about THAT at least – and he’ll get his own video soon, because that’s just wrong.

Almost all of these children hang out on Market76 Discord though – something should be done about that – are they cool with this kind of harassment, racism, and homophobia? SinisterHand also hangs out there – it’s probably best someone remove the children from the Market76 discord.

This really is no joke – children often protect their abusers. Someone needs to look into this.

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Please consider hitting the share button if you don’t think harassment, stalking, homophobia, racism, or painting swastikas in video games is acceptable behavior – Beth needs to know this is going on. This isn’t a joke, or me trying to get back at SinisterHand – someone needs to look into why he is inciting children into hatred and why they protect him.