Dawns_Elegy and SinisterHands Friend StankDank

Oh, StankDank saw his list on that griefer discord – you know, the one that Dawns_Elegy runs and he hangs out with his creepy friend SinisterHand in? Yeah. This one:

Here’s the encounter:

Your friends have devoted a lot of time to making the game worse for people, and this is how they learn, and this is also how you learn. Sorry! I just wanted to play my game – scroll back on sinseer.com to see the massive amounts of harassment your friends have been involved with!

3 thoughts on “Dawns_Elegy and SinisterHands Friend StankDank

  1. Highway

    If you are trying to post this conversation in an effort to make yourself look good, it is doing the opposite for you.

    Many people join discords all the time and never bother leaving. I get invited to ones all the time from people I meet in game and end up never revisiting after whatever event we are on. I am probably in twenty because of said circumstances, but only frequent maybe three.

    StankDank came to you with a legitimate issue. You have no proof he did anything wrong. He was in Dawns_Elegy’s server, so what? For all you know Dawns_Elegy invited him during a game of Nuclear Winter or some other team co-op event.

    Also in one of your griefer videos, someone brings up that you actually sought out legal advice to handle your problems with people in Fallout 76. While I am not sure how versed you are with legalities, you should be aware spreading false accusations can fall into Defamation of Character.

    1. sinseer Post author

      Dawns Elegy has spent a lot of his time harassing us non-stop I’ll be getting the rest of his videos ready soon. I never said anything bad about this stankdank, I don’t know him at all – just that if he is willing to be a part of anything relating to the trash that is Dawns Elegy’s Discord server, he is not, ever, welcome in mine, as mine is for good people, and his is for trash.

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