VIDEO 2 – APRIL 2019 – SinisterHand Calling people Faggots, and using harassment to advertise for his Youtube Subs.

SinisterHand Calling people Faggots, and using harassment to advertise for his Youtube Subs.

He also very obviously uses his harassment of me and my community to advertise his youtube page.

Confirmed Griefers: SinisterHand, Dawns_Elegy, Frogow (the 12 year old boy)

Confirmed Good Guys: kenlyric, insurgi, Sunnie, Shannaniganns, Diestrin,

<SinisterHand> “He’s the one claiming I’m a psychopath, I’ll just make his claim true, why not?”

Confirmed Lies:

I never said that I got him banned, oh my god, how whacko is this guy? He posted porn, and got himself banned. Would affect anyones views. Can we see your proof, please? Cite your source, because we all know you lie, by now. Anyone can go on the Reddit Fallout Network Discord and search the logs to confirm this. Anyone. Unless the mods have deleted everythimg.

SinisterHand claims he didn’t grief my base? Ever? Like, rewind this video, what, 30 seconds? Oh don’t you worry, there’s more video coming, too.

Source to Dated Youtube Upload