My Patreon – Or “Why Donate to the Crazy Clown?”

Look, I actually AM, by all definitions crazy, I mean, really, I have 5,500 hours in game now, and I don’t make, well, really any money anymore. I live on the edge of poverty, so while I love making these videos, I tried to find a way that I could also make a bit of money from them, to help make things better.

So, I set this Patreon account up ages ago, it’s barely been used, but every time it has, it’s helped me a lot. Thank you so much – the only way I was able to afford my first month of Fallout 1st was because of a Patreon, so thanks again!!!

I’ve decided to try to start using it more.

What you get:

As I’m finally getting into footage that is better, and more clear, you get access to the unlisted archives from my lives stream. I’m starting January 16th, 2019, because I know where the story goes.

I have to watch the videos, and add timestamps to them, before I can make the free ones, anyway; so you’ll get my notes – with full timestamps where you can click each event and go to that.

Here’s a sample of one of the first ones:

00:00 Ghoul House Stabbings
04:20 Back to the Happy House of Joy
04:29 Seen kayanamasha and Home Stuff – Crafting
06:22 Voice
06:34 Back to the Ghoul House
07:30 Back to the Happy House of Joy for a nap
08:50 Voice1
09:15 Voice (French?)
09:26 Seen kayanamasha
09:49 Voice1 (French?)
10:13 Voice1
10:55 Voice1
11:20 Voice1 and Voice2 (French?) ‘the house, here?’ ???
11:54 Map – Nearby are: kayanamasha, irclaire, tuyauteur56, usnsccwk, rozalynh,
14:16 Voice?
15:39 Clear Voice (French – kayanamasha showing voice icon)
16:12 tuyauteur56 visits the Happy House of Joy
17:20 irclaire visits the Happy House of Joy
17:33 No one else has had voice icons light up, just kayanamasha, so far. Two voices.
19:02 Commie Robots, must beat them with a protest sign!
19:20 Clown death to Commie Robots
19:45 Voice
39:47 Ghoul House (Seen: kayanamasha, tuyauteur56)
41:28 Friends List
43:26 Screw you, Vertibots, and helping kayanamasha level up the alt
50:59 Back to the Happy House of Joy
55:38 Seen: kenlyric
1:17:02 Forbidden Knowledge Dropoff
1:17:50 Sexy Clown Picture Time
1:19:30 More Sexy Clown Rooftop Picture Time
1:28:00 Someones in Trouble!
1:28:34 Seen: purplepootis609
1:36:35 Crafting, and dropping Rooftop Goodies
1:48:31 Shooting me some ghouls
1:51:22 Seen: Radmonkey16
1:54:51 Friends List
1:59:19 Rooftop Grenade Fun
2:19:20 Seen: kayanamasha
2:19:51 Voice: kayanamasha lights up (french)
2:22:20 Two Voices – kayanamasha lights up (French)
2:27:05 Voice
2:29:26 Voice
2:39:26 Artillery at Ghoul House, and some stabbins to get level 108
2:44:43 Back to the Happy House of Joy
2:54:41 Seen: joelvn, kayanamasha,
3:01:25 Picture Time with kayanamasha
3:19:08: One Clown death due to shooting explosive shotgun down at the car I was standing on. That’s on me.

That’s a longer video, and of course, some are going to very dull, but I do like to take notes!

At the same time, I realize some people can’t afford to donate to get access to these, so of course I’m still making my “Life of SinSeer” video series, with the highlights, which I’ll be uploading for free to Youtube and Facebook, just like always.

Patreons get access to everything, though, even the dull bits I cut out to make my new episodes!

Patreons do also have the ability to request a Faction Role in our Discord – which means literally nothing, and is just there for flavor, but it’s still fun – our regulars have already been set up with them, so I’m offering them to others now too!

Click the link below to donate, you can donate anything you’d like! Thanks for considering me!

Love, Always
