Conversation between #fallout76 Exploiters, Dupers, and Real Money Traders

Where-in we find out it’s 30 dollars for a 50 cal, and they’ll ‘never get banned’

Seen/Heard: creepinnnn, hotwheely, sinister_juicehead, syringer_legend, mastertoke321, el_clappo, quantumcurt, united1k

creepinnnn: “That’s the Mark 12 Stealth Boy”

creepinnnn: (re: SinisterHand): “That guy’s an idiot, dude”

sinister_juicehead: “I see you United, I know you’re a duper”

United1k: “Yeah, the rocket girl suit DID come from the devroom, I’m sorry”

United1k “What’s it take to get one of those killer 50 cals that takes the queen out in 10 seconds?”

United1k: “What’s the price down to now”

Sinister_Juicehead: “Like 30 bucks”

United1k: “I want one, how fast can you get me one?”

El_Clappo?: “The guy that’s selling it’s not even on right now”

United1k: “Sneakypete says the ‘deerslayers’? is selling for 75”

United1k: “That’s a bit rich for my taste”

Sinister_Juicehead “That’s the reason I wanted to change my name, I’m never going to get banned now”

Sinister_Juicehead: “Next thing I know, I’m in a video…” (SinSeer: Heh. Heh. Heh.)

Conversation between #fallout76 Exploiters, Dupers, and Real Money Traders

Where-in we find out it’s 30 dollars for a 50 cal, and they’ll ‘never get banned’

Seen/Heard: creepinnnn, hotwheely, sinister_juicehead, syringer_legend, mastertoke321, el_clappo, quantumcurt, united1k

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