Monthly Archives: November 2020


This week, we’re sharing a new Dev Dive video, where we sat down with Fallout 76 developers to take a deeper look at the upcoming Steel Dawn questline that’s coming with an update in December. We’re also kicking off a new “Hunt for the Treasure Hunter” event a little later today, and sharing details on anniversary events taking place in-game next week. Read on for all the details.


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The Brotherhood of Steel is returning to Appalachia in our Steel Dawn Update that’s on its way to Fallout 76 in December. Alongside the group’s arrival, we’re adding the first part of an all-new questline to the game, where you’ll rendezvous with the Brotherhood to learn what they’re doing here and how you can lend a hand with their efforts. Recently, we sat down with Mark Tucker and Brianna Schneider from the Design Team to chat about the new quests, characters, locations, rewards, and much more. Watch our latest Dev Dive video below to hear Mark and Brianna’s thoughts from the development perspective, catch footage from the new questline, and to get prepped for patch day next month.

As a reminder, those of you who own a PC copy of Fallout 76 through can join us in the Public Test Server (PTS) to try out the Steel Dawn questline right now. Play through the new quests and let us know what you think by posting in the PTS forum. In case you missed it, we also released a Dev Dive video last week that focused on our upcoming C.A.M.P. Shelters feature, and you can head here to check it out.


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The community did an excellent job driving Treasure Hunter Mole Miners back into the depths after they emerged last month—but they’re a persistent bunch. We’ve detected another surge in Mole Miner activity on the surface, and we believe they are planning to continue plundering the Wasteland’s hidden riches this weekend. It’s time to grab your gear and prepare for another “Hunt for the Treasure Hunter” event, which begins a little later today. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for Treasure Hunter Mole Miners throughout Appalachia, and take them down to claim some of their loot for yourself by opening the Mole Miner Pails they drop. If you’d like, you can also purchase Empty Mole Miner Pails from vendors using Caps, and then head to your Tinker’s Workbench to craft full Mole Miner Pails that you can open to get some more loot. Keep in mind that higher-quality Pails offer better chances at rare rewards, and we will see you on the hunting grounds!

  • Event Start: 12:00 p.m. ET on November 5
  • Event End: 12:00 p.m. ET on November 9


It’s been nearly two years since we all left the cozy confines of Vault 76 to begin rebuilding efforts in Appalachia and carve out new lives in a daunting and deadly Wasteland. Join us in celebrating Fallout 76’s two-year anniversary next week with a pair of in-game events that will help you add some new rank-up rewards and legendary gear to your collections.


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Starting on Tuesday, we’re kicking off a full week of bonus challenges so that you can rake in lots of extra S.C.O.R.E. during your Season journey and earn rank-up rewards even more quickly. In addition to your normal challenge lineup, you’ll be able to complete two bonus Daily Challenges per day, as well as two extra Weekly Challenges. Catch the exact dates and times below so that you don’t miss out any of that sweet S.C.O.R.E.

  • Event Start: 12:00 p.m. ET on November 10
  • Event End: 12:00 p.m. ET on November 17

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As part of the anniversary festivities, Purveyor Murmrgh is planning to host a special Mystery Pick event next weekend. For the first time ever, she’s agreed to place her Mystery Pick on sale! Until November 16, you’ll be able to get a completely random 3-star legendary item for 25% off her usual Mystery Pick price. So, be sure to gather your Legendary Scrips and head down to the Rusty Pick in the Ash Heap next week to claim some new legendary gear for your arsenal.

  • Event Start: 12:00 p.m. ET on November 12
  • Event End: 12:00 p.m. ET on November 16

Until next time, we’ll see you in Appalachia!


Why are Reddit Fallout Network Discord Moderators Tracking and Naming Fallout 76 Players?

A bit of a serious question here – Reddit Fallout Network Discord Moderators (among others) keep public blacklists. These blacklists typically list the In-Game Names, Discord Names, and full Discord ID’s of Fallout 76 Players they feel have ‘ripped people off’ or ‘scammed them or even just annoyed them. Since there’s no Bethesda employees, it scares me to think that ‘anonymous reddit people’ on the biggest Fallout 76 Discord are storing the information of Fallout 76 players, and using it to ‘name and shame’ whoever they please, without any evidence whatsoever.

I’m not sure why people who want to roleplay as raiders, and actually DO manage to trick Fallout 76 Players into parting with their goods (when they could all use the in-game vending machines instead), should really be punished, named, and shamed, and tracked by the reddit fallout network discord moderators?

In fact I am pretty sure that is against the new Zenimax terms of service, right there! So why is this unknown group of ‘moderators’ allowed to track Fallout 76 Players on a SUPER busy Discord, one of the biggest. And what happens if they just decide they don’t like you?
Food for thought. What do YOU think? Should they be allowed to track and publicly list so much information about Fallout 76 Players?

Feel free to leave a comment, I really want to know, I just don’t understand!

Love, Always,


YouTube player

PS: No, I’m not on the list, I’m thinking of the rest of you. Doesn’t seem right for so many Fallout 76 Players to be tracked by unknown anonymous reddit users on their little ‘discord’.
#Fallout76 #fallout

Don’t believe me? Here’s their discord link, make sure to check the #76_blacklist room to see if your in-game name, or discord name, or full discord ID is in there!

PLEASE share this one. This isn’t right, and does break the new Zenimax terms of service. Having random anonymous ‘reddit’ users collecting the information on Fallout 76 players is disturbing, and I am pretty familiar with how often reddit users like to doxx people – it’s been done to me via this platform multiple times. Apparently, in at least one case, it was because some dumb-assed discord moderators were saving my personal information, including name, address, and phone number – on their discord! Heck, a whole discord was purged that day, to clean the personal information of fallout 76 players that was stored on it, wasn’t it? Such a casual, casual day it was…. filthy, but casual.

Article originally posted on Facebook here:

Thank you all so much!!!!!! 1000 Likes on Facebook, and almost 500 on Youtube!!

I just wanted to say thank you all so much, I hit over 1,000 likes on Facebook yesterday, and that really means a lot to me! I’ve also got almost 500 subscribers on Youtube now!

You have no idea how much this all means to me, especially at this time of year, so thank you all, so much, for following me!

I hope to bring you lots more videos, and all the Fallout 76 news I can find for a long, long time!

Love, Always,


My Fallout 76 Facebook Page

My Fallout 76 Youtube Channel