Category Archives: Fallout 76 Griefers

The kiwifarms Nazi who Claims to be my Mom

There’s someone claiming to be my mother on the nazi harassment site kiwifarms.

Sorry nazis, but I mean come on… obviously flawed information!

I did call my mother soulless – and frankly after I explained it to my family, everyone understood exactly why, and agreed with me – it’s all very tragic, but no, I do not get along with my mother. It was also publicly posted. You see, mental illness actually runs on my mothers side. The rest of our entire family no longer contacts her. Over the years she showed that she was only interested in hurting the rest of her family – I presume because her kids chose to stay in Toronto rather than follow her military life when my mom and dad got divorced. My brother and I were both very tired of it, we just wanted to settle down some place and go to school! She took that personally, and got worse and worse over the years because of it.

After the divorce my dad was actually very careful around me and my brother to not bad-mouth our mother. I’m sure the marriage was unhappy, but I saw no evidence of any ‘abuse’. The reason there was a messy divorce is because my mother didn’t want to repay the money my dads family had lent her and my father to buy a house for our family. She dragged it out the divorce, and did a lot of little petty things during that time. The rest of this rant about my father is not even close to true, it’s just what she believed – I guess maybe she posted somewhere publicly about it, and one of  you found it?

Not sure where I’ve ever ‘bullied’ my mother, lol – but  you guys have this whole narrative going, I don’t even know where to start, since I don’t know which of you nazis from kiwifarms is impersonating my mother!

There’s obviously false information, I’ve visited my mother multiple times, even went on a trip to Kingston Ontario with her a few years back. My brother has also visited her. Usually we had a once a year steak dinner we’d all meet for in Toronto too, until she moved away from Toronto.

We’re not currently on the best of terms – I asked her to stop posting things publicly about me on her facebook page, and it blew up from there.

I… never dated an older female in my teen years, LOL. I only dated one girl in my teens, and she was exactly my age, I don’t know where this crazy story is coming from. Heck I still talk to people who knew me when I was with my first girlfriend, it actually went on for a few years, not sure where I’d have found time for another, older girlfriend, what with high school and stuff…

I never told my mother I was a stripper on yonge street. LOL – I mean, I have crippling social anxiety, and I have never, ever danced. I’m just not into it. You nazis at kiwifarms make up the weirdest stories. My real mother wouldn’t have believed it for a second!

I did apply for the military, that was public knowledge – my history of depression disqualified me, so I’m not sure what I am supposed to be ‘lying’ about here – I didn’t get in, that’s all.

At that point, I did start looking for more answers. Shortly afterwards, I was diagnosed bipolar, and I applied for disability – Because frankly, once I told my whole story, including doctors notes, and all kinds of other fun stuff and records from the past – I am unfit for work, and I need some time to recalibrate and figure this all out – the depression, the anxiety… it’s so much, it’s very hard to deal with, day after day, after day, after day, and then we have people adding to my misery by spreading lies about me online for the last 3 years.

I was accepted for disability in record time, I’m told. It was THAT OBVIOUS, once it was all put on paper.

No one in our family has even seen any evidence of ‘violent abuse’ – even my real mother didn’t claim that to me, so this is I guess just more stories from nazis? If you REALLY want to know, my mom cheated on my dad multiple times while they were in the military, we always knew they were going to get divorced. It’s not pretty, but it’s true. There was still no one saying my dad got ‘violent’. It just dragged on for years, that’s all.

I’ve had numerous cats die on me. I don’t see how that has anything to do with anything, except losing a pet does affect me pretty deeply, it always does, throughout my whole life.

How would this person know what I am like now, they claimed to have blocked me.

Everyone spreading my real name, home address, and all these other lies really do help people to stay away from me right, I totally must deserve all the harassment for the rest of my life.

Not… entirely sure my real mom is smart enough to use a VPN, or would know why she’d want to use one, with a nazi harassment site. I mean sorry, but it’s true, she’s older.

Yeah, the toxic people in Fallout 76 doxxed me, released my home address, and my brothers and my home phone number. They placed that information in lots of places, with lots of lies about me. Our phone rang off the hook, and I got death threats from it. It was such a great time. I had to change our phone number, while on a fixed income. They also then made this thread to make sure my life and name are continuously harassed, all because a couple of cheaters got caught cheating at a video game, and that was just too much for them to handle – but also because some lying diddler youtuber told them lies about me, and got his friends to impersonate me and spread more lies.

I’m a pacifist – I’ve literally been beaten up before because of it. I won’t fight back – there’s only been twice in my life I ever fought, and that was because someone I cared about was in danger, and it was only enough force to make sure we could escape the situation. Whoever this nazi is who claims to be my mother – they’re a liar, everyone knows I’d never hurt anyone by ‘showing up anywhere’. I’ve been a pacifist my whole life, and suffered for it. I don’t like violence. I don’t think violence is ever the answer to anything. Obviously  you lying doxxers feel differently, since you’re spreading my real address and lying about me, hoping to get me hurt.

Love, Always,


Shining from Kiwifarms – aka Shining Eternity the youtuber

Also known as Shining Hero in Fallout 76, this crazy liar has been stalking me for years now.

Here’s him in Fallout 76, he always used to talk sexual in voice chat, it was super gross. No one I knew wanted to hang around him. It’s all he would talk about! On and on and on about sexual related things. Some of the people I was playing with had kids around, no one wanted to hear sick sex talk from some creepy adult over Public Voice Chat in Fallout 76!

YouTube player

It seems like someone on the nazi-run harassment site goes by the naming Shining – what a super big coincidence.

He’s also the youtuber known as Shining Eternity.

I really have no idea why this sick, sex-obsessed freak has been following me around, lying about me to people, and stalking me for so long! I mean, I’m not that interesting! Some say it’s because I once dared to list one of his friends on an ancient list of “Fallout 76 Griefers” – but who knows, is that worth the doxxing and psychopathic stalking of years and years?

He sure does like to talk though, I’ve got a bunch of other videos with him.

Anyway, I’m sick of nazi freaks from kiwifarms, particularly sick of Fallout 76 players who use kiwifarms to harass, so here’s another of them – well, I mean assuming it’s the same person, but it seems pretty obvious from the name!

Love, Always,



Another post from the nazis at kiwifarms

I just want to pass on the archived info that you guys at kiwifarms are a nazi-run harassment site, full of homophobes and transphobes, and will doxx people and make up wild stories about them for no reason, except for  you all to get your jollies from the hate train you cause.

Kiwifarms is run by a pedo – and nazis suck, no one likes nazis. You nazis posted my home address, and put my family in danger. You also tried to ruin my real name forever.

I’m tired of nazi garbage from kiwifarms.

Oh, by the way, you transphobic piece of garbage – it’s ‘she’ now, keep up with things. Nice try on trying to ruin my ‘real name’ forever, but that’s my dead name now, and I don’t need to use it anymore.

Nazi freaks need to be banned from the internet – their harassment sites, including kiwifarms, need to be investigated and removed as well.

Love, Always,
