Category Archives: Fallout 76 Blog

Keeping track of what’s been going on in the wasteland!

JY’s Tampon from kiwifarms the nazi harassment site

Oh that was months ago – I mean I’m in the middle of a transition, hasn’t even been a full year yet… And come on, I’m almost 50, what do you expect me to look good? What matters to me is I feel better – no matter that sick nazi transphobes like you want to target me for no reason. You’re hateful, I get it.

Personally I think the new hormone added to the mix has made a huge difference, make sure to check out my more recent pics and videos, you transphobic, hate filled freak!

But you transphobic nazi freaks just hate anyone transgender don’t you.

That’s all it is in, some cases.

Love, Always,



Another post from the nazis at kiwifarms

I just want to pass on the archived info that you guys at kiwifarms are a nazi-run harassment site, full of homophobes and transphobes, and will doxx people and make up wild stories about them for no reason, except for  you all to get your jollies from the hate train you cause.

Kiwifarms is run by a pedo – and nazis suck, no one likes nazis. You nazis posted my home address, and put my family in danger. You also tried to ruin my real name forever.

I’m tired of nazi garbage from kiwifarms.

Oh, by the way, you transphobic piece of garbage – it’s ‘she’ now, keep up with things. Nice try on trying to ruin my ‘real name’ forever, but that’s my dead name now, and I don’t need to use it anymore.

Nazi freaks need to be banned from the internet – their harassment sites, including kiwifarms, need to be investigated and removed as well.

Love, Always,


Another Nazi from kiwifarms

Another nazi from kiwifarms jumps on the hate band-wagon. Man, that site is so vile. Full of liars. So here they are posting just a few of my tweets onto the thread the other liars posted about me. I swear these people are such idiots – I mean, they have someone impersonating my mother, they’re taking all this fake ‘information’ as real? They’re complete and utter morons. Not to mention how many times in the past I have been harassed because these idiots want to insist I am other people who have either worked with me, or worked for me at my legal, registered business in Canada.

But they don’t care about the truth – they posted my home address, with a bunch of lies, so they could continue to harass me – and my family – forever.

So here’s another Nazi from kiwifarms picking and choosing which parts of my life to display, while the rest of them keep up with their lies.

Don’t forget to follow my twitter, if you want the real story, don’t listen to the nazis from kiwifarms – they lie, and they’re completely toxic idiots. Transphobic, homophobic, hate-filled nazi idiots.

Here’s the – very few people involved on twitter, the above picture was posted almost immediately onto the nazi-run hate site known as kiwifarms within minutes.

And here is the link to twitter thread.

I’m also sharing this link that documents a little bit about the nazi run hate and harassment site known as kiwifarms.

Love, Always,
