Category Archives: blinkkd

Frogow and blinkkd – recorded being nazi homophobes

Please do keep in mind – there is some concern that these children have been poisoned and influenced by SinisterHand. So we can’t hate them TOO much.

frogow, fallout567, blinkkd, rs-overboss-vurkrin, thegeminaii – all part of this little child-warrior squad. Looks like only blinkkd was stupid enough to paint a swastika on the ground with a dev room item though – hopefully Beth will do something about THAT at least – and he’ll get his own video soon, because that’s just wrong.

Almost all of these children hang out on Market76 Discord though – something should be done about that – are they cool with this kind of harassment, racism, and homophobia? SinisterHand also hangs out there – it’s probably best someone remove the children from the Market76 discord.

This really is no joke – children often protect their abusers. Someone needs to look into this.

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Please consider hitting the share button if you don’t think harassment, stalking, homophobia, racism, or painting swastikas in video games is acceptable behavior – Beth needs to know this is going on. This isn’t a joke, or me trying to get back at SinisterHand – someone needs to look into why he is inciting children into hatred and why they protect him. 

blinkkd – a nazi homophobe stalker griefer painting a swastika

Yeah – Pretty much this. This is wrong.

Yup, blinkkd and his friends  – like SinisterHand would like us to know they’re not racist homophobe nazis, but they do enjoying drawing swastikas with stolen ‘dev room’ items to harass people. Please see here for the other video – SinisterHand enjoys influencing children into these sort of things.

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Please consider using the share button below if you don’t think hate symbols like the swastika that blinkkd drew are acceptable.

Griefers today: Frogow blinkkd fallout567

Harasssed by frogow, fallout567 and blinkkd – homopobic racist trolls who will stalk you for ever, so block them. They seem to want to protect their nazi friends, and thats why they hate me so much.

Here’s the stalker blinkkd trying to sneak into my chatroom. Here’s all his discord info.

Here’s another one from last night – more of frogows freak stalker friends. More trolls.

Here’s another shitstain from a couple days ago – one of their friends again, who was stalking and griefing us. Angryandy – yet another shit stain griefer – friend of racists and homophobes. Can’t recall if he’s the nazi one or not, would have to check video. Pretty sure he’s got a mouth on him that his mother would be ashamed to hear. But we’re all ashamed of assholes like this.

Stop stalking me, griefers – me blocking you in-game means I don’t want to talk to you disgusting evil people. Fuck. Off.