Category Archives: vurkrin

Why Fallout 76’s Blocking System Doesn’t Work – Elundis7 Stalks While Blocked

Fallout 76 – Elundis stalks – 25 minutes of Online Stalking (condensed version)

I cut out the extra stuff to add this to my report to Bethesda. Yes. I know it’s 25 minutes long. It’s still condesed. He does this a lot and it takes up most of the day when him or his friends get in this mood.

This is a sample of what I and many players go through on a regular basis because of Elundis7 – he’s part of a nasty little discord-based stalker group of griefers.

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Here’s a list of their names, and links to previous videos of them being little nazi racist stalkers.

More videos being uploaded this week.

Elundis7 and thegeminaii and vurkrin Recorded talking about foreskins and building in-game gas chamber

I’m linking this page to the categories for all the Trolls found in the video. See the bottom of the posts for nice links that will show you all of their prior Evil.

As promised, here’s our #nazi #stalkers in #fallout76 recorded saying the n-word, obsessing about foreskins, and making a gas chamber in-game.

This is the condensed version from youtube, adding it here for the category searches!

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