Found on PasteBin – Market 76 Mods Conversation With SinisterHand

SinisterHANDToday at 19:32

Is this not reddit Market 76 Discord? Why do you have H: W: on the reddit and WTS/WTB on the Discord?

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:32

No idea

Is it really a big issue for you?

Or complain just to complain?

SinisterHANDToday at 19:34

I said 1 thing, was gonna leave it at that but that kid got salty and wanted to argue

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:34

Which kid?


We may have strict posting format but it keeps everything in check. Would you rather have a moss pit of spam messages in the trading channels? and I don’t know why we have a different format on reddit to discord.

On reddit, players can say what they want and what they have for sale etc

discord is more compact if you get what I mean. Reddit, you have a title and a description

The comment made towards the bot’s creator is unneeded also.

still there?

I’ve heard a lot about you recently.

SinisterHANDToday at 19:43

I wrote out a paragraph, had it disappear and raged. Wasn’t trying to start an argument but did wanna complain I guess yeah. That guy wanted to argue lol … Sorry for being rude but literally 3 other trading discords don’t have that rule and sure I forgot to put WTT but to have my entire paragraph go like … How about this

Can’t the bot be programmed to like message you your comment that you were gonna say

so people don’t lose it

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:44

I don’t know if its possible, feel free to write this in the suggestions channel

May I ask your what is your association with the user, SinSeer?

SinisterHANDToday at 19:45

Is that public? I don’t really want others commenting and starting up again, can I PM the bot thing?

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:46

suggestions channel Is public and yes, private messaging the bot will send a message to basically like a mail sort of chat where all mods + owner can see.

SinisterHANDToday at 19:48

He was once a friend, then he thought I griefed his CAMP but it turned out to be another guy. Then we argued for awhile til he lost MOD on Reddit Fallout Network discord and I got banned, pretty well everyone had enough of our arguing. I did a vid on my take a month or so ago. Since then he’s been trying to get back at me, can’t say I’m much help in all of it as I seen it as a way to grow and it seemingly worked


Uh, no, I was never your friend. Stop telling people that. You also suggested we were a ‘couple’ on reddit fallout network discord, and it grossed me the fuck out. You force your advances on everyone, get sexual, and think it’s okay. You’re fucked up.


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:49
Sinister Hand

im sure you’ve seen this

SinisterHANDToday at 19:49

Yeah, there are a couple unfortunate things like being banned in a few Discords he has friends in

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:49

Do you have evidence of, ”he’s trying to get back at me”

we were told that you ”stalk” him

SinisterHANDToday at 19:49

Lol well considering his entire thing is a lie


You keep clinging to that – more people know the truth now. And more videos coming. You should have stopped.

Look lol, I really didn’t care to make a second vid but many have been asking – At this point all I’d be doing is advertising him


Here’s you using your harassment of me to get youtube subscriptions. This has not only been some sort of weird psycho-sexual stalker thing with you, but a way for you to make money.

YouTube player

Where as in the beginning I was only responding to get views off his Discord members, I mean, lol – It literally worked


Yeah – we know you were griefing us and stalking us in our discord. You’re creepy as fuck, and you need to be stopped.

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:52

Can you provide proof of them, ”trying to get back at me”

SinisterHANDToday at 19:52


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:52

I don’t think this is a laughing matter. It wasn’t, and still isn’t.


This comment I appreciate, thank you very much flora.

SinisterHANDToday at 19:52

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:52

Just trying to get your side

SinisterHANDToday at 19:52

Go on his site

I’ll walk ya through it, it’s long, you wanna know, let’s go through it

Go on his site

Read where it says


He has changed his site LOL


Yeah, your continued, non-stop harassment of me and my friends, and your need to disrupt things by calling ‘bounties’ on me to get other little griefer trasher to harass me has forced me to re-design things. I hope you enjoy todays version, too. I had to make it for you, after the last time you freaked out and came to gloat.

YouTube player

Now I gotta make new, wait


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:54
Fallout 76 Griefer Blacklist


SinisterHANDToday at 19:55


Gimme a min lol

He completely changed his site

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:55

in what way

SinisterHANDToday at 19:55

He changed the first two paragraphs at least lol

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:55

cover up something or just moved things around

SinisterHANDToday at 19:55

Everything is entirely different lol

His lies are gone, but still in my vids

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:56

can you link me it?

Do they still believe you destroyed their camp?

SinisterHANDToday at 19:57

I didn’t actually make the 2nd vid yet, that was in case he made more of a stink

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:57

can you link the 1st?

SinisterHANDToday at 19:57

I mean well no it was quite clear that the 1st time I didn’t do it, the 2nd time I did for my vid lol


if my photos will freaking load

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:58

no worries

SinisterHANDToday at 19:58

YouTube player

YouTuber “EXPOSED” Me?

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:59

oh lord that thumbnail

SinisterHANDToday at 19:59


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 19:59

is this his camp in the vid

SinisterHANDToday at 20:00

He literally denies getting me banned in Market 76 and losing his MOD position here

Ask Reed or whoever runs the other discord lol, it was the sister branch to this one

Has the exact same logo etc

He lost his MOD position for banning me as soon as he got MOD here

Which he denies

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:01

hes never been a moderator for Market 76



Sheesh he’s been lying to people about this for ages. So this was back in May, huh? You made him aware of this back in May? Neat!


SinisterHANDToday at 20:01

No he was a MOD trainee

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:01


blue name

SinisterHANDToday at 20:01

For the other Discord lol not this one, there’s like a sister thing to it

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:01


SinisterHANDToday at 20:01

You know the other Market 76 Discord yeah

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:01

SinisterHANDToday at 20:01

It’s like the chill area or something and is controlled by other people

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:02

that 1?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:02

No there is literally a 2nd Market 76 …

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:02

never heard of it

SinisterHANDToday at 20:03

It has the exact same logo for the Discord logo, but is separate in it’s ran by other people or something IDK the full details tbh :x

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:03

its not ours.

Fallout 76 Trading hub?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:03

How is that even possible?

You don’t realize like

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:04

the admin names are red



He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, and he can’t keep track of his own lies, that’s the problem with liars, generally…


SinisterHANDToday at 20:04


What’;s your Twitter?

This is kinda nanoyoing me

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:04

don’t have twitter

SinisterHANDToday at 20:04


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:04

Just take a screenshot or invite me to it

SinisterHANDToday at 20:04

Sinseer got exposed on Twitter by another guy that was the one who took the screenshot of him banning me in the first place

this 1


this is the guy arguing on twitter

Without him, I wouldn’t even had known who banned me – This is HIS screenshot next up

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:06

I need to see this server

SinisterHANDToday at 20:06


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:06

thats not ours

SinisterHANDToday at 20:06

Maybe it was another server LOL

My bad, no wonder he said it wasn’t Market 76



and he lost MOD position literally the same day

for banning me without proof etc

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:07

Market 76, Market 76 Modmail and Blue Mountain express are run by the same users

SinisterHANDToday at 20:07

That is proof he tried to get back at me for losing his MOD for our arguing on RFN


Which is what you asked lol …

Like it’s just the tip of the iceburg I’m JS this guy has been hounding me for months

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:07

Do you have a screenshot of them admitting that they didnt ban you?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:07

We literally used to be friends lol




He also used to tell people we were a couple on reddit fallout network – which disgusted me and felt like a sexual predator move.



flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:08

Just a big misunderstanding?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:08

Literally it is, both of our groups used to be 1 giant group

It all got ruined by a raiding Discord that doesn’t even exist anymore – the people all quit and yet we’re still going about


He shows up every few months when he needs youtube money or followers, he means, to harass us more – while in the meantime stirring up trouble against me and my community.

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:09

what was the reason for this?

Sin Seer
Fallout 76 – SInisterHand Gamer Hatespeech

what made you say all of this?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:10

Every few days I had some idiot message me wondering why Sinseer is spreading the above paragraph everywhere. You don’t realize he has been the one to literally spam that same message for months, without my knowledge on where or to whom, getting me banned in Discords etc – All cause he lost his MOD in RFN


RFN wants to accept griefers and have no responsibility for in-game actions, like the disgusting actions of you, and your friends, and the recent doxxing of me proves this is not a good idea. Accepting griefers like you and your friends is bad. You are evil. You need to have your youtube taken away from you, and you need to donate all of the money you ever made to anti-bullying and suicide prevention groups.

I will not ever accept that – so RFN can go fuck themselves, if they want to support stalker griefer trash like you and your friends. No. Big. Loss.


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:11

which message?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:12

I sent it in the SS above, was about to resend it and remembered

“In game and out this guy is a griefer and a stalker” bla bla b

Look, I actually didn’t fully read his new site but the lies are still there

IDK why you’re even taking him seriously after he exposes himself for lying? :S?


“He’s the reason I had to install OBS on the new computer to record gameplay – I really had no interest in streaming fallout 76 until I was forced to – I streamed a bit of fallout 4 – but that was mostly a test,”


That was last year, when we were still friends

Fun fact? I taught him how to stream OBS, he didn’t make one to record me, he made one because I literally told him which settings to use


Please see my entire streaming series “Life of SinSeer” – This is an outright lie, and I have streamed MANY MANY hours of things before ever meeting this liar.

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:16

thank you for this information Sinister, im trying to gather both sides of the story

SinisterHANDToday at 20:17

Sorry for raging, honestly

But yeah

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:17

in the screenshot where he bans you, what is it called

the server

SinisterHANDToday at 20:17


I’ll have to ask the guy who took it, tbh I always thought it was “The other Market 76” – this all happened months ago lol


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:18

I was just told that you guys were never friends?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:18

It was the sister to the Fallout 76 Trading Hub

Lol he updated his site to include what happened here, you know how ironic it is being called a stalker by a guy that logs what you do on a site?


All sites log IP address – again – SinisterHand is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Oh, no, now I am responsible for apache programming in the log feature of web servers around the world, how evil am I?

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:20


Don’t give them chance to let him have anymore info on you

a chance*

SinisterHANDToday at 20:22

The thing is, him & I were supposed to end everything over a week ago now. As that guy on Twitter – Bren – Spoke to him and got him to agree to quit the BS and move on. We both agreed, but it seems only one of us has kept our end of it.


I never agreed to anything, more lies. I need you and all of your stupid, evil, stalker friends to fuck off forever. And since you didn’t, I’m going to release every single video I have on you, and all your friends. They can thank you for that after the last little evil super villian speech you came to give me.

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:22

!r what did they do?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:23

Not sure what you mean by that tbh lol

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:23

sorry, !r is the command I use on something lmao

SinisterHANDToday at 20:23


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:23

What did they do to break that agreement

SinisterHANDToday at 20:24

Well Sinseer and I were supposed to be like neutral and not continue but he literally just updated his site to include irrelevant to himself information about me :S Unless him keeping a public tab on everything I do is exempt? That seems a little off.

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:25

do you have proof of this ?

the twitter convo

of you and him agreeing

He’s denying this had happened

thats why im asking

SinisterHANDToday at 20:32

I was told he had, went to read it and I guess he can’t comprehend basic English. To think he possibly thinks this is still going, after I flat out said I was done on the 13th LOL

Feelsbad, but he’s not really relevant anymore lol – Can’t PvP means he can’t plug peoples names for views. If I were him I’d be clinging onto this imaginary drama too. If he wants me to “go away” – Here’s an idea, if you could pass this along – Tell him to move on?

? Like I tried to establish half a month ago.

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flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:38

just takes me to their profile

SinisterHANDToday at 20:38



if i ever do make a 2nd vid, it’ll be sure to include all that and much more in a more professional and less cartoon evil boss voice, but in all fairness

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:40

can you screenshot what you were trying to show me with Twitter?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:41

i have a kid, i work 10-12 hour shifts, i run a YT channel and I’m going back to college in a couple months. Sinseer sits on his PC all day, who do you think (without bias) is more likely to care about this petty shit?


Well, since you KEEP COMING TO HARASS ME AND MY FRIENDS – I’m thinking you care more. Or did. But who cares more, now? You could have left me alone. You didn’t. More videos coming. You and all your friends.


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:41

He denied being your friend

SinisterHANDToday at 20:42

was basically the Bren guy just explaining how I’m wanting to drop this (was talking to him in DMs) and that it’s all pretty well on Sinseer, has been for ages

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:42

was there an actual agreement

SinisterHANDToday at 20:43

Not 100% but if a girl is breaking up with you, can you just disagree and stay in the relationship?

Or is it all on you to move on


That is creepy as shit sexual-stalker shit oh my god. I have been asking and begging this disgusting pervert to fuck off for almost a year now.

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:43

Multiple moderators have to discuss about all of this

SinisterHANDToday at 20:46

I’m JS he was informed heavily that I no longer care and don’t want to continue some useless drama weeks ago. I even bought a set of Weightless gear off him and gave him 4k caps for a set of gear that’s worth like 1.6k at best.

I could of sworn you and I have spoke somewhere else

flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:47

you told Bren to say this to him?

SinisterHANDToday at 20:48

Not the caps part but yeah literally Bren made it seem as though it was done, thus why I thought it was and had to go actually read their convo

it’s long, i tried linking you it …

screenshots would take forever lol …. if i make you a twitter will you log in it


flora (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭Today at 20:49

I have a twitter

SinisterHANDToday at 20:49

roughly the same amount of time lmao

merp :x

Source of Pastebin

Now, of course, this is pastebin. take this with a grain of salt….