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July 2019
Fasenn (multiple accounts) yelled out my name, home address, and phone number in the past – here’s him with other Raider Syndicate Members fasenn17, fallout567, Legendary-Raider – Recent List
2019-07-07 Vurkrin aka RS-Overboss_vurkrin – A leader of RS Doxxing Group – with andy2angry123 visit to tell me I’ll never escape them

Zeekx of Reddit Fallout Network – Once a griefer, now a moderator of Reddit Fallout Network Discord
Some Reddit Fallout Network Discord Griefers – saya93, thecalamity, dr.tryharde

groundbabiesinc admits being part of ‘discord stalker group’ and threatens multiple accounts to harass with

July 24, 2019
LiteralOG tries to force PVP and calls me a faggot

Three hours being harassed by griefers so my friends could play the game

July 27, 2019
Scopexvevo with the doxxer fasenn17 and fallout567 – Dupers R Us, Raider Syndicate

Members of the Raider Syndicate Doxxing Group that “Followed” my Twitch Page
Contacting Market 76 regarding “Vurkrin”
Someone Reports Dawns Elegy aka A-SuperMutant are running a Discord Server named “Head HuntRs” with Zander, Sinisterhand aka SH Games, BadDepressedBadger, DoctorWhiskers, ctang, and pilsnit
Users of the HeadHuntRs Discord – and a recent list – ToeCutter_, -Super_Mutant, Juaco_n seen.
One of the Impersonator accounts online from HeadHuntRs Discord and recent list – SinSeer_YT – Also, BadgerSR visible:
Another Recent List showing Impersonator account SinSeer_YT and BadgerSR
Recent list showing Nekrosias, Rockmorty, Filosoof, Vurkin together: